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Outside publicity
This page highlights articles about CEOHP in the popular press and in press releases. Several articles in 2007 were in conjunction with announcement of the NSF funding that CEOHP received as a planning grant.
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October 2008, GHC blog
HUNT, J. 2007. Blog entry about the CEOHP workshop “Storytelling as Role Modeling: Collecting Oral Histories”. In Conferences and Workshops, 2007 Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), Narrative. 19 October 2007. Link to the blog entry

April 2007, NCWIT News & Events
OWENS, B.B. 2007a. Computing Educators Oral History Project. NCWIT News & Events Blog, 24 April 2007. Online in NCWIT archive

April 2007, Southwestern @ Georgetown
DAVIS, E. 2007b. Southwestern University professor leads project to gather stories of female computer science pioneers. Southwestern @ Georgetown – University Magazine 18(2). April 2007. p. 9.

February 2007, Williamson County Sun
PINNELL, M. B. 2007. Project profiles women in computer science. Williamson County Sun (Texas). February 18, 2007.

February 2007, Megaphone
AMMONS, P. 2007. Local professor leads project on females in computer science. Megaphone, an official student publication of Southwestern University. February 15, 2007.

February 2007, Southwestern Univ. Press Release
DAVIS, E. 2007a. Press release: Southwestern University professor leads project to gather stories of female computer science pioneers, Southwestern University, 1 February 2007.