Judith Bishop interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with Judith Bishop, who authored one of the first Java programming texts and is a Founding Fellow of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists.

Judith Bishop interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Judith Bishop, who authored one of the first Java programming texts and is a Founding Fellow of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists.

John Impagliazzo interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with John Impagliazzo, cited for services to computing education that include international conferences on computing history, accreditation leadership, and curricula development.

John Impagliazzo interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with John Impagliazzo, cited for services to computing education that include international conferences on computing history, accreditation leadership, and curricula development.

Dan McCracken interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with Dan McCracken, author of early books on FORTRAN programming, an ACM Fellow, and president of the ACM 1978-1980.

Dan McCracken interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Dan McCracken, author of early books on FORTRAN programming, an ACM Fellow, and president of the ACM 1978-1980.

Richard Austing interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Richard Austing, editor on several curriculum recommendation documents for computer science and a founding ACM Fellow.

Richard Austing interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with Richard Austing, editor on several curriculum recommendation documents for computer science and a founding ACM Fellow.