Narratives and Pathways of Computing Educators

The people who make CEOHP happen: Materials developers

This page presents the individuals who have helped develop the educational materials custom-designed for use with the CEOHP collection.

Deepa Muralidhar

Deepa Muralidhar
  • Developed the groundwork for two lesson plans available on the CEOHP teaching materials page
  • Works as a computer science teacher at North Gwinnett High School in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Part of the Leadership Cohort for the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
  • Serves on the Georgia CSTA Board.
  • Interested in growing computer science education at the K-12 level
  • Particularly interested in increasing enrollment of the number of girls who take computer science.
  • Her personal goal is to create curriculum, provide teacher training and broaden student participation so that in the upcoming decade, every high school student takes a computer science course before graduating from high school.

Sarah Barras

Sarah Barras
  • Designed a “jigsaw” activity with associated lesson plan, which is available on the CEOHP teaching materials page.
  • Teaches business and computer classes at Hamilton Southeastern High School in Fishers, IN.
  • Earned a BA in Marketing and Management from Northwood University in Midland, Michigan, and a MA in Education from Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois.
  • An Associate Faculty member at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), where she teaches Using a Personal Computer and Information Technology Fundamentals.
  • In 2009, won the IPL (Indiana Power and Light) Golden Apple Award.
  • Before she began teaching she worked as a Training Consultant for Autobase, a software company.