Winifred Asprey interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Winifred (Tim) Asprey, one of the few women to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from an American university during the 1940s and who founded the Computer Science Department at Vassar in 1963.

Winifred Asprey interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with Winifred (Tim) Asprey, one of the few women to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from an American university during the 1940s and who founded the Computer Science Department at Vassar in 1963.

Judith Gal-Ezer interview: Selected quotes
Selected quotes from the CEOHP interview with Judith Gal-Ezer, Open University of Israel, cited for pioneering work involving teaching the essence of computer science at both high school and university levels.

Judith Gal-Ezer interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Judith Gal-Ezer, Open University of Israel, cited for pioneering work involving teaching the essence of computer science at both high school and university levels.