Michael Clancy interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Michael Clancy, teaching professor emeritus at UC Berkeley, whose contributions in computer science education include case studies and AP leadership.

Frank Young interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Frank Young, cited for over 40 years of service to the computing education community that exemplifies the term “lifetime service” and for serving as a role model and mentor to generations of students and faculty.

Henry Walker interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Henry Walker, cited for contributions that include curriculum development, textbook authoring, and consultations to advance excellence in computing education.

Mats Daniels interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Mats Daniels, cited for dedicated service to computing education research and building an international network of computing educators.

Boots Cassel interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Lillian (Boots) Cassel, professor at Villanova University, advocate for computer science education, and leader in ACM and SIGCSE.

Jane Prey interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Jane Chu Prey, cited for her dedication to the computing education community, including academic, industry, government and professional societies.

Gordon Davies interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Gordon Davies, cited for service to the computing education community through work on international committees, working groups, and conference program committees.

Joyce Currie Little interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Joyce Currie Little, cited for her service to the broad computing community, including curriculum development, certification standards, and professional ethics.

John Impagliazzo interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with John Impagliazzo, cited for services to computing education that include international conferences on computing history, accreditation leadership, and curricula development.

Richard Austing interview: Overview
Overview page for CEOHP interview with Richard Austing, editor on several curriculum recommendation documents for computer science and a founding ACM Fellow.