Status report for reviewers
19 October 2022
- Released as the main site for CEOHP, replacing the version at Southwestern.
- Removed the option under Reading Settings that discouraged search engines from indexing the new WordPress version of the site.
23 July 2022
- Recent work has brought all of the interviews up-to-date. All of the interviews that were at one time available on the earlier site have been restored here.
- The Notable Quotes page has been adjusted so all of the interviews have been included and the organization is perhaps more logical.
- We are working with the ACM Helpdesk folks to figure out answers to WordPress problems.
29 August 2021
- Updated the Notable Quotes table to include start-time-within-interview and duration as columns 3 and 4.
23 August 2021
- Figured out how to change the banner image to make the automatically supplied colors of the heading pop better.
- Insight! I will update the page with Notable Quotes so the time-order column lists the actual times (rather than numeric order). This is mostly a matter of rearranging information in the Google sheets document, exporting, then ensuring that the CSV file is properly formatted before uploading.
- Questions about the WordPress appearance (could be related to plug-ins):
- Why does the “description” not appear in the banner?
- Why do the bump-down sub-menus not work for the primary menu?
- Why have the secondary and top-small menus disappeared?
20 August 2021
Revamped the page with Notable Quotes.
- Only one column for name, now in Last, First format, rather than separate columns for first and last names.
- Added a column that allows the quotes to be sorted back into time order (that is, the same order as on the respective pages of selected quotes)
19 August 2021
- Very excited to have figured out where I can grab the video for Siek, Weiss, and Young. I’ve updated those three overview pages (Siek, Weiss, Young). Starting next on the selected quotes, curious to see how quickly that goes.
- Finished selected quotes for Frank Young, Mark Weiss, Katie Siek
8-13 August 2021
- Finished the audio links for the selected quotes:
- Completed the selected quotes for Eric Roberts. Pondering whether it is OK to have the same quote (about The Machine Stops) both here and on the literary references page.
- Note: the “open in new window” link for the PDF on the overview pages was not done correctly on first attempt, so need to go back through and fix those.
- Improved the selected quotes page for Fran Allen so it is more like other selected quotes pages (it is based on her video, rather than on an audio interview like all the others)
7 August 2021
- Total of 35 interviews substantially completed in the move
- Moved over the overview and selected quotes for all of these
- Created the audio-on-YouTube for 27 of the interviews; there is no audio-on-YouTube for the Allen interview, which is only a brief video. For the other seven, need to locate the correct / most recent audio.
- Need to locate the correct / most recent audio for Clancy, Felleisen, Kahlon, Siek, Spertus, Weiss, Young
- Working on audio links for the selected quotes for each audio-on-YouTube. So far, this is complete for Fran Allen, Nell Dale, Henry Walker, Joy Teague, Beth Simon
- The audio links for quotes on the Literary References page are also complete except for the two that require links into the missing Felleisen audio.
What to check:
- Is the information about the interview correct and complete?
- Is the layout and navigation clear and attractive?
Other parts of the site
I have reorganized the “about” section, as well as the sections for educators and researchers. My goal was to improve navigation and clarity. I will strive to create a description of these parts so we have a good overview / motivation discussion.
I used the category feature of WordPress to add a section showing the interviews that fall into various award categories.
I will have better suggestions about what to check / discuss here as I circle back through after finishing with the Selected Quotes. I am not yet happy with the cloud work (in particular, I have had problems moving the tag clouds).
Things that are broken or do not work.
The top mini-menu has disappeared. Need to contact ACM IT about this.
The sub-menus of the main menu work poorly. This is also an issue to discuss with ACM IT.
I am not 100% happy with the table plug-in I have used for the notable quotes, so may end up doing something different. There is a bit of stitching together I have to do here in order to include the links, so it is not yet a simple process to move from the Google sheet to the website.
Audio recording work needed
- Ellen Spertus (The recording has several spots where the sound is zero or nil. Need to find original and ensure we have a good copy)
The recording for X was only partial — only have about 30 minutes of what should be a longer interview.
Video work needed for published interviews
- John Impagliazzo (Video is visible on the channel but will not load here. Redo?)
- Michael Kölling (published but lacks information on the YouTube channel)
Not yet published; complete information on the YouTube channel, publish, ensure viewable on overview pages)
- Hal Abelson
- Michael Clancy (2 videos)
- Katie Siek (original interview and second interview)
- Henry Walker
- Mark Weiss
- Frank Young
Transcript work needed
- Michael Kölling — video transcript missing
- Michael Kölling — full transcript can be improved (noted several errors in transcription)
- Henry Walker — video transcript missing
Interviews to complete
These require additional information and are currently private:
- Tim Bell (status?)
- Jan Cuny (status?)
- Elizabeth Patitsas (status?)
- Robert Panoff (status?)
- Jean Sammet (Need to obtain permission to post the interview, including two videos.