Cloud examples: Working Group reports
We built these examples of a word cloud and a tag clouds from the two ITiCSE Working Group reports that provided the foundation for CEOHP. The two Working Group reports [from 2005 and 2008] are listed on theCEOHP cited works page.
Each cloud represents key themes for the Computing Educators Oral History Project.
Example Word Cloud (based on the 2005 and 2008 WG Reports)

Example Tag Cloud (based on the 2005 and 2008 WG Reports)
This tag cloud example, which was generated by, includes frequencies in parentheses after each word.
acm (32)
analysis (91)
approach (40)
areas (31)
association (39)
career (101)
ceohp (116)
codes (33)
collection (67)
computer science (48)
computing educators (48)
computing (197)
conference (62)
considered (32)
data (37)
education (96)
example (55)
experience (47)
future (40)
group (46)
history (141)
individuals (32)
information (63)
institute (46)
interviews (287)
issues (49)
iticse (36)
materials (41)
members (31)
nvivo (32)
online (125)
oral history (135)
path (31)
probing (38)
process (41)
professional (32)
programs (32)
project (166)
provide (32)
questions (73)
report (30)
research (50)
resources (53)
results (51)
role (30)
sample (30)
science (46)
sigcse (42)
society (31)
stories (35)
students (43)
subject (30)
teaching (50)
themes (37)
tool (41)
topics (32)
university (83)
women (164)
work (66)
working group (93)
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