Narratives and Pathways of Computing Educators

Evaluation for CEOHP

This page highlights approaches we have used to evaluate various aspects of the project and the collection.

We have also included quality assurance processes within the project.

  • Evaluation by an outside expert (November 2009)
  • Evaluation interviews with computing education experts during the SIGCSE Technical Symposium (March 2010)
  • Evaluation interviews with an advisory board of pre-college computing educators (November 2010)
  • Walk-through of site with three project members; coordinated evaluation of interview pages against procedure for adding interviews to ensure consistency; coordinated evaluation of YouTube Channel entries to ensure consistency (April 2011)
  • Informal evaluation feedback collected from former WG members and interviewees (2011)
  • Website walkthrough and analysis by CEOHP project leaders (March 2012)
  • Discussion of website with outside evaluators during SIGCSE 2019 (March 2019)